Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Justine Hall | 26 February 2023
I first discovered Anna at her previous Adelaide Fringe outing Queer and Present Danger. An empathetically queer-friendly show, Anna established herself as a pro of comic timing and a skilled orator. A young friend of mine accompanied me at the time who was in the early stages of their gender transition; I remember them remarking how wonderful it was to see a fellow trans person on stage who was unabashedly herself. Two years on, the same friend joined me in welcoming Anna back to the stage - with an even more uproarious and enlightening performance than before in "Such An Inspiration" The most striking thing about Anna’s stage presence is her intimacy; there is little lip service in sight as she takes the time to learn every audience member’s name and finds a way to incorporate everyone into her set at least once. Each acknowledgment to her audience is free of awkwardness or a reluctance to connect; a rare skill in the stand-up business. Anna Piper Scott Anna Piper Scott We journey through Anna’s career as a comedienne; her highs and lows, as well as her experiences as a trans woman. She is unafraid to bring the audience with her to some of her darkest moments and navigate territory that would be uncomfortable in less adept hands. She validates the struggles of processing trauma while also finding a way to heal and connect to others through her comedy. Anna takes a lot of the hypocrisies of stand-up comedy to task, chiefly how comedy is used as a way to tell “truth to power”, and the limitations of upholding accountability to those with little interest in changing the status quo. “Brave” or “inspiring” feel too impersonal to explain the energy that Anna captures here. There is a frankness to her honesty and empathetic reasoning that never feels on the nose or saccharine: it’s a call for human decency and understanding. Anna’s appeal transcends laughter and clever wordplay - she makes her audience feel seen and welcomed. And with an abundance of queer-identifying audience goers - my young friend included - it’s clear she has a message that is reaffirming for all. "Such An Inspiration" is a must-see for anyone who wants to see an incredible comedienne in full charge of her craft, taking no nonsense and dishing out educational bites one joke at a time. Anna’s story is one not to miss. FIVE STARS ***** Reviewed by Justine Hall