Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Rod Lewis | 26 February 2021

Australia’s comedy hypnotist, Matt Hale, has been around for a while on stage, radio and TV. As a latecomer to his career, it’s evident why he thrives in a flooded market of stage hypnotists. He’s not only damn funny, but his messages of positivity are something we all need to be reminded of.

As one would expect, Hale calls on volunteers from the audience (18 years old or above) to hypnotise en masse and perform a variety of tasks from riding a rollercoaster to revving up the audience. Everything is playful. No one is asked to embarrass themselves, and that is a key feature to any successful show like this.

Hale provides regular messages about mindfulness and self-care amongst the mayhem, but they’re delivered so fast, it’s almost subliminal. None of it slows the pace or detracts from the humour of the piece. Whether you know one of the volunteers or not, laughter abounds. His show is safe for participants and inclusive of the audience.

Despite the bitsy nature of having participants perform one stunt after another, Hale still manages to build to a crescendo, with a sensational finale seen in the image above from Thursday night’s show.

This is non-stop fun once the action gets going. Hale delivers a feel-good hour of zany antics that leaves everyone exiting with a smile and a warm feeling of genuine happiness.