Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by KheShan Gronow | 25 February 2023

What a fun show! It's Poppy's birthday and her friends have planned a surprise party....but when Poppy says she doesn't want a party, what will they do?

Party Pooper will appeal to all kids, because who doesn't love a party?! The trio remind us what is best about parties - forget Instagrammable trends, the best parties are classics with pass the parcel, sack races, pin the tail on the donkey and of course CAKE!  Each party game during the show segues into some fantastic circus party tricks, including juggling, hoops, acro and more. 

Our kids favourite part of the show was the interactive game of charades where they got to yell out their guesses. The trio work well together to keep the show moving and their circus skills are great - the pyramids and shapes they form at the end of the show have some heart in throat moments but they pull them off!

The show is also set to a great soundtrack - who knew there are so many songs about parties and birthdays?! You'll be bopping along in no time. 

Party Pooper also has a sweet message about appreciating your friends, listening to them and letting others have the spotlight.

We took our 3 and 7 year olds, but think it would be perfect for anywhere up to 10 years old.