Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Doug Phillips | 25 February 2023
It can be easy to lament the “Good Old Days” of The Adelaide Fringe when it was less about show rides and boutique gins and more about artists of all calibers, out there having a go. So, its nice to be reminded every so often that the original spirit of performance-driven events for the sake of performance alone can still be found. If you know where to look. If that’s of interest to you, check out Amplify by No Strings Attached Theatre of Disability, playing at the Main Hall at St Peters Youth Hall until Saturday. Amplify is a show put on so that performers can perform. Entertainers, entertaining an audience. With a cast of mainly amateurs, this is raw theatre in the true spirit of Fringe. We’re actually treated to 3 short plays in all. Each with it’s own specific and poignant message that is close to the performers and supporting crews hearts. Being a theatre group for those with disabilities, it’s unsurprising that the content is related to topics and challenges that disabled people are overly familiar with. But, these challenges and frustrations are also ones that people from all walks of life can relate to, such as government bureaucracy and lunacy, despicable politicians, and the clash between our lowest and highest social classes. These three plays are mainly comedy, with some thoughtful and thought-provoking messages included. And again, these performances are undertaken in the true spirit of what Fringe Festivals are about. Be quick though. They only have a few shows left, so don’t dilly dally.