Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Georgina Smerd | 25 February 2023
Charla, a professional sex and intimacy therapist, takes the audience on a deeply intimate journey through her unique life, from French flings and one-year marriage breaks, to stepping into sex-work at 54, while providing helpful tidbits of intimacy advice along the way. Charla’s background is impressive – she is a PhD. Clinical Sexologist, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, Surrogate Partner Therapist, and the author of erotic literature, so you know her advice comes from a reputable background. Her caring nature is on display from the start, as she begins the show by encouraging the audience to use provided props to connect with feeling instead of thoughts in an almost meditative state. Some may find this show uncomfortable at first, as the consistently common topics throughout are very intimate in nature, but Charla’s compassion, confidence and blasé attitude help to make it feel like a comfortable and safe environment. Charla connects with the audience as she tells the tales of her sexually-adventurous life that have led her to where she is now, with a strong focus on teaching people how to truly receive and to embrace their vulnerability in this position. From her first stimulations, and first kisses, to post-child marriage and the varying actions she tried in an effort to make it work, plus stepping into sex work at a mature age. Charla’s wholesome and caring personality, paired with her more R-rated, adult topics, is reminiscent of the free-spirited and comedic character, Rozalin Focker, from the popular 2004 film, Meet the Fockers. Roz Focker (played by Barbara Streisand) is Greg Focker’s confident and progressive mother who practices as a sex-therapist for elderly couples, and provides laughs as well as a feeling of safety throughout the film, just like Charla in this production. The set is simple, allowing it to be an accompaniment for Charla’s storytelling, rather than a distraction. A coat rack holds an array of masks, feather boas, and other items of clothing which assist Charla in transforming into herself at various stages of her life, and taking on different personas. An acoustic guitar is occasionally utilised throughout the show as Charla strums along to unique songs she’s written herself, such as ‘Whore at 54’, and some classics. Some elements of the show could be further refined, and it is a work in progress, but its legs have huge potential, and this is the first big arts festival that Charla has performed at. She admits that she’s often been in the audience for theatre, but now she’s energetically – and bravely – placed herself on the stage. As her confidence in this new environment grows and it becomes a natural habitat for her, the show will also begin to flow a tad smoother. This is a show unlike most others at Adelaide Fringe, and is probably as intimate as you can get at the festival. Charla’s obvious passion for promoting positive sexual education and assisting with progressive intimacy is matched with her passion with the stage in Naked at My Age – plus you’ll probably learn a thing or two that you can take home and utilise yourself!