Reviewed by: Upside Adelaide
Review by Josh van't Padje | 24 February 2023

Within the newly established Fool’s Paradise in Victoria Square, Head First Acrobats’ Godz is equal parts sexy and hysterical.

We are introduced to four Greek gods. Apollo, the god of the sun who loves to be idolised, Hercules the demigod who attempts to win the favour of his father, Zeus, Dionysus, the god of wine, and Cupid, the cheeky god of love.

Through various circus acts involving acro-balance, diabolo, aerial ropes and much more the gods show their strength and comedy chops.

The narrative throughout sets Godz apart from other shows and the playful, homoerotic jokes peppered throughout adds light to some of the nail-biting feats performed. Props such as ladders, whips and even chairs are used to great effect.

There are cheeky surprises from the gods with more than a hint of nudity, and one act when Hercules is sent to hell had the audience screaming with laughter. Let’s just say you’ve never seen nuns like this before!

When we are finally introduced to Zeus in all his high stilettoed and glittered finery for an aerial performance that will leave you gobsmacked, it’s clear why Godz is one of the must-see shows at this year’s Adelaide Fringe.

Godz is playing at The Vault in Fool’s Paradise until Sunday, March 19. Get your tickets here.