Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by KheShan Gronow | 24 February 2023

After following this deadset legend on Twitter for years, this show was my first time seeing Kirsty Webeck in the flesh and she lived up to the hype!  'A Bit Of Fun' is exactly that - great, classic comedy gold where your cheeks will hurt from laughing by the end. Nothing controversial (except perhaps her stance on buses), no cheap gags or gimmicks, just a sold hour of hilarious tales from her life.

If the thought of being pulled up on stage or being targeted by the person onstage sends a shiver down your spine, then Kirsty Webeck is the comedian for you. She is upfront within the first couple of minutes that singling audience members out is not her thing and you could honestly feel the collective sigh of relief from the crowd. 

Kirsty is at ease on the stage - despite the 40 odd degree weather, she looked like she was having the time of her life. Although her show is clearly well rehearsed, it comes across as being completely off the cuff, which is really what you want from a comedian, right? She tells stories from her life ranging from her niche talent for naming pets, unfortunate pranks she has been on the receiving end of, thoughts on one year old babies and her recent experience at the ballet. Everything is delivered with perfect comedic timing and hilarious relatability!

'Kirsty Webeck - A Bit Of Fun' is a reminder of classic comedy of days gone by - it's good to see the art of a solid stand up set is not lost!