Reviewed by: Hi Fi Way
Review by Richard De Pizzol | 24 February 2023
Sam Simmons is from Adelaide but he has become a national figure because of his many radio and tv appearances. Sam is very professional at putting on a show that appears to be unprofessional and deliberately awkward to keep the audience on its toes and laughing. With a return to one-word titled shows, CONTENT, is also a sidestep away from Sam’s reliance on props that he is usually more well known for. I well remember the tyre hanging mostly unnoticed by the audience during his 2021 show as well as the crumpet in FUNT. CONTENT has a somewhat karaoke-styled set-up with opportunities and invites to sing along, and appears to have a clearer overarching theme than shows in recent years. This theme is a commentary on social media, specifically search terminology for stock online imagery, served in Sam’s individual brand of absurdism which is incredibly funny. Early on in the piece, Sam’s timing was to be complemented but as the show carried on, becoming increasingly looser, nearly derailed by Sam’s doubting asides as he was occasionally demoralised by the variable audience response (that is actually quite typical for a Sam Simmons show). This almost seems to be a work in progress, with Sam occasionally suggesting the removal of specific skits/songs that from his point of view don’t seem to work. He occasionally seeks approval within the show and again at the end, which to me to is actually entertaining in and of itself. Regardless, this was, although absurd, a highly entertaining show and I will continue to see Sam each time he performs at the Adelaide Fringe.