Reviewed by: Weekend Notes
Review by Michael Genrich | 26 February 2021

Nat's What I Reckon became an internet sensation during the height of lockdown 2020 with his disarmingly authentic take on how to cook by not using ingredients from a jar.

There's an awful lot more to Nat than cooking and Nat's 'On Purpose' tour is a chance to see the bloke in the flesh. People generally don't just pop out of nowhere and make hilarious viral videos like 'Quarantine Spirit Risotto' which attracted over a million views and earned Nat millions of fans worldwide. You'll get some insight into how wild the ride to being famous on the internet has been for him, the mad creative processes that got him there, and just what it is about his life that makes him such a mad coot.

If you've seen Nat online, you'll know he swears like a western Sydney public schoolboy. I know this because I was one. It's going to be tough to not swear in this review but I'l try.

Nat has a unique ability among Aussies to take the piss out of the internet. From describing poor attempts at motivation on Instagram to the quality negative comments he recieves, he laughs at others. A lot. So does the audience. He's also not afraid to laugh at himself and his experiences growing up, which are not always what his image suggests they are.

Bringing an online presence to real life takes a bit of multimedia juggling. His anecdotes are interpersed with observations and videos, including a special edition cooking video produced especially for the show. That's VIP stuff right there. Nat's an internet celebrity but he's likely to become a real-life celebrity soon.

This is about as contemporary as comedy gets folks = straight out of the Sydney YouTube ghetto to a venue near you. He uses incredibly foul language and makes touchingly funny drug references but that's who Nat is. The audience knows who he is and what he's like. They loved every minute of the show.

Nat's What I Reckon isn't a cooking show folks. Put your adult pants on and prepare to find out what's funny, what's sh*t, and what's not funny in Nat's What I Reckon's 'On Purpose' tour. It's on all around Australia and coming to somewhere near you soon.

Check out the dates here or catch up with Nat on his YouTube channel.