Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Cathy Tune | 23 February 2023

Headfirst Acrobatics bring a welcome return season of GODZ to this year’s Fringe – a show that has it all: contemporary circus antics, lashings of physical prowess, laughter and some incredible acrobatic routines. A circus show needs a theme it seems, and this one is set on Mount Olympus. The performance opens with an almost comedy skit narrative. Liam Dummer as Cupid, Thomas Gorham as Apollo and Jordan Twartz as Dionysis prance around on chairs being flamboyantly godlike, while the demigod Hercules, played by Callan Harris is put in his place with some amusing slapstick antics. The scene is set – this is going to be a lot of tongue in cheek, naughty fun.

And then the acrobatics begin – there’s a human pyramid, a whip routine, a diabolo juggling display, backflips, an amazing ladder routine, tumbling, and aerial strap displays. Even break dancing.

As an audience we gasp, cheer, laugh and applaud continuously and the performers play up to their crowd with loads of camp humour and playfulness. But despite the cabaret sensibility the acrobatics are the core of this show and each of the performers is highly skilled in a range of these disciplines while still working as an ensemble.

The soundtrack is also fabulous and adds to the sense of fun while helping to build expectation and tension. A snippet of Disney’s Zero To Hero from Hercules is used brilliantly and the heavy metal track used for a routine set in Hades are standouts.

This is an adult show. If a bit of cheeky nudity, adult humour and cavorting nuns offend, then perhaps this is not for you, but you’d be missing out on a winning combination of acrobatic prowess and hilarious routines.

These boys know how to entertain!