Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Doug Phillips | 23 February 2023
If you’re after a show that delivers exactly what you expect from it, HARD QUIZ LIVE is that show. Driving a tried and proven formula, Tom Gleeson gives fans of the hugely popular ABC TV show exactly what they want. Hard Quiz, on stage, unfiltered. And it works, big time. We’re all familiar with the format (let’s assume that for the purposes of this review). Gleeson  as host, interrogates, derides, insults, and humiliates his contestants, and they love him for it. Don’t think you're safe sitting in the audience though. There’s no escaping Gleeson’s sharp tongue and quick, clever barbs. We’re treated to some classic Gleeson stand-up comedy at the start to warm the crowd up. He’s in fine form, and very obviously loving bringing his baby, Hard Quiz, to the fans. The enjoyment on Gleeson’s face shine’s like a beacon and is infectious, as is his giggle.  If you’re a fan of the show, I can’t really tell you much more about the live performance. I can note that the seats belong in the recycling bin, and that one punter succumbed to the heat in the line-up (although it was surprisingly cool inside the venue), but this show is what it is, and they have quite rightly not messed with it. There are some out there who dislike Tom Gleeson, and to those people I’d say (unnecessarily obviously) that this show is DEFINITELY not for you. This is Tom Gleeson, doing what he does best, loving every minute of it, and giving the fans what they want. Make sure you’re ready to play… HARD!