Reviewed by: Kryztoff Raw
Review by Julie Robins | 23 February 2023

LAURIE BLACK : DYSTOPIANO - Fringe 2023 - 4.5*

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Laurie Black is back for the first time since 2019 with her digital piano and original synthrock songs. What has she been doing? : touring with Adam Ant and planning a trip to the moon of course.
Make sure to catch her at the Fringe if, like me, you are weary of the seemingly endless supply of tribute shows and are looking for something original and groundbreaking.
A classically trained pianist and talented vocalist Laurie entertains with wit and humour and passion. Angry at the world and its stupidities she uses her useless apocalypse skill of sound synthesis to air her opinions on how cool it would be to be an amoeba, and about ‘space junk’, unnecessary body parts and much much more.
With wit, humour and charm she engages her audience and even gets them involved in a sing-a-long. Her Euro-Hi-Vision frock is also a must see.

Dystopiano is happening at the Bally, Gluttony until March 12th.
You can also find Laurie as compere and performer at the Bad Luck Cabaret until March 18th.