Reviewed by: Theatre Travels
Review by Olivia Ruggiero | 23 February 2023

A cabaret based on Bizet’s “Carmen” is a brilliant concept. The world’s most popular opera with tunes that constantly pervade our unsuspecting lives. It is an accessible opera, one that stands the test of time due to its modernity, continual thematic relevance, and brilliant score. So, what happens when we give Carmen a chance to tell her version of events? To perform a one woman show without the nuisances (the men) who ultimately lead to her untimely demise? Surely, we would see a feminist take (it is 2023 after all), some sort of unsuspecting spin on the story we all know and love so well. That’s at least what we are set up for, but the ending is a little lackluster in this instance with Carmen herself (or at least the summoned ghost of Carmen) proclaiming that it was all about Don Jose all along… despite the fact she has the titular roles and gets all the best songs. 

Eliane Morel is an engaging and likeable vehicle for this show. She is a wonderful storyteller who inhabits the physicality of Carmen beautifully and she is assisted by the sumptuous Darryl Wallis who is note perfect on the keys. 

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