Reviewed by: Kids in Adelaide
Review by Jacki Bishop | 24 February 2021

Not just good, really good, possibly Dry’s best work yet and we are strongly advising you to grab some girlfriends and book this one in while tickets are still available. 39 Forever + gst is a must see and an extra bonus that you will be supporting a very deserving local show.  The revisited and finely tuned cabaret/comedy is real, honest, and damn funny. You will truly leave with you cup full…… even though you prossibly downed your Sub Zero – oops I mean Pimms, before the end of the opening number because #MumsNightOff. Just me? Expect to sing along, dance in your chair and relate *hard* to the wisdom that we acquire as we age. Amity will take you on a journey from Sweet Valley Hight to Spanx, from nightclub line ups to neck cream ads popping up in your news feed. The show is wonderfully supported by the talented Jamie Burges on key board. My gosh the girl can sing.