Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Clayton Werner | 24 February 2021

Star Theatre One at Star Theatres, Tue 23 Feb.

Australians love their sport and they love the outback… at least, the thought of the outback. Imagine two country folk meeting at the Bachelor And Spinster Ball, marrying, inheriting an outback golf course and planning how to make it spin a profit. Of course the story is never quite that straight-forward and it certainly isn’t told that way! The story is told in theatre, monologue, through song and via video, which features a wonderful selection of backdrops as well as people videoing in! At one point, when discussing the state’s provision of funding we’re treated to a rather special guest and his speech, but that needs to be saved for the moment.

Saltbush Downs Open Golf Classic is a lot of fun, with plenty of humour in the dialogue and in the songs and even non-golfers will enjoy and understand it. The characters are endearing, the tycoons, the has-been golfing pro, the enigmatic outback guru, though they are doing double duty as musicians and singers throughout.

Of course, golfers must look the part – and they do with style, grace and pastels! And we’re introduced to the archaeological history of golf, with local Aboriginal cave art showing clearly that golf has been played around Saltbush Downs thousands of years ago (done in a manner respecting first nations folks, but certainly taking the mickey out of white man’s fraud). While golf is the main course, there are plenty of side dishes; digs at the mining industry, sprays at the rorting of water and other resources, and that Australian outback persona – all very funny, as well as quite topical.

This show is original, local, brand new and quite edgy, not quite being musical theatre, nor theatre, nor cabaret and as such; quintessentially Fringe.