Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 21 February 2023

If someone were to ask “What is the Adelaide Fringe in its purest form?” I would point them in the direction of Deluxe Trashbag Cabaret without hesitation. A little raw, a little dirty, and maybe in need of a little polish but one whole hell of a lot of fun. And that’s the best thing about this show, it doesn’t try to be anything but its real, authentic self. It’s almost like the show’s producer Aleksandra the Great is the Statue of Liberty and has a sign reading “give me your weirdos, your queerdos, your hungry Fringe artists yearning to breathe free, and I’ll put them in my fabulous show”…and that’s what they exactly did!

With a constantly revolving cast of Australian talent, no Saturday night show is ever the same. On the night that seedoeatreview attended, I got to enjoy a hypnotic fire dance, a bizarre yet hilarious soliloquy, a Beyonce song recited in spoken word form, a couple of cheeky dances, a burlesque performance by the robot from Lost in Space, a hula hoop act involving a bottle of milk (don’t ask!), and my absolute favourite performance of the night, an operatic version of a scene from the Fifth Element. You want variety? Well, you can be sure you’ll find it at Hades Hula House during the Adelaide Fringe season.

Deluxe Trashbag Cabaret is a show that just screams fun. From the title to the performers, the joy spreads out from the stage and into the audience. And although sometimes I wasn’t exactly sure what the end destination was going to be with some of the acts, the ride was certainly worth the price of admission alone. This show may be called ‘trash’ but it’s an absolute treasure!