Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Kristin Stefanoff | 21 February 2023
Impromptunes promises to deliver an hour long, fully improvised musical. This exceptionally talented group of performers are the key in making this concept work as well as it does, and audiences are treated to a chaotic but overall quite plausible musical plot, songs, and staging. The show’s premise is simple: take a title suggested by an audience member (the title of the musical on this night ended up being “Wombats!”), and the six cast members and one pianist turn it into a show. As if to prove that the show is, in fact, fully made up on the spot, the cast do not leave the stage or gather to collaborate once the title has been announced. Instead, the cast lined up at the back of the stage to await the overture, improvised by incredible pianist David Peake. The performers were Emmet Nichols, Amelia June, Josh Burton, Brenton Gardiner, Zoe Harlen, and Ryan Smedley (though I understand there will be a few cast changes to the final week of shows). Each are clearly skilled musical theatre performers in their own right, and the teamwork between them all, via a subtle look, a gesture, or a leading question, is impressive to watch and is one of the major keys to the success of the show. An inside-out knowledge of musical theatre and how its constructed, including tropes, typical structure and musical style is also evident in their performances. You could see this show every night and get something completely different (apparently a few nights ago they performed “Wang Wang and Funi: A Love Story”). The only downside is that they have a relatively short season, closing on Sunday 26th February, so you’d better get in quick and see Impromptunes at least once while you can!