Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Tara Forbes-Godfrey | 25 February 2021

Kevin Kropinyeri is hands down one of Australia’s great comedians and his content is always halfway between “am I allowed to laugh at that” and “oh god, it is so true” side splitting humour. So it actually pains me to say that this was not Kevin’s best show and I really hope it was a one off, not so great night.

Multiple jokes were repeated and he lost his train of thought a few times which is not at all what I have come to know about Kevin. With that said let’s focus on what worked which was his impersonation of dancing to Whitney Huston because that skit alone made the show worth it, and for someone who lives in the world that Kevin speaks of, oh man, do I relate to pay day and never carrying cash.

It also has to be noted that the jokes that were repeated were really funny the first time just maybe not so much the second and third, however a joke could be made about that in itself if laughing at yourself is the path you want to take.

Kevin is pretty candid about his past. It is one of the reasons I love his comedy and admire his journey to what bought him to the stage. Past lives take a toll on our mind and body so with this in mind I choose to look at the big picture rather than one show.

Kevin has sold out shows in Edinburgh with the all-stars not to mention a number of other places, including his first two shows at this year’s Fringe. So, if you like a good laugh and want to see a quality comedian support the First Nations Hub at Tandanya or Regional Fringe venues and go check out Kevin Kropinyeri.