Reviewed by: The Curious Writer
Review by Stephanie Babiak | 20 February 2023

When most of us think of the Adelaide Fringe, we tend to associate it with nights on the town, glitzy shows, glamorous outfits, and more than a handful of cheeky cocktails. It’s easy to forget that while these things are, no doubt, staples of the Fringe experience, there’s also far more variety on offer than we might initially think. Not everyone is a night owl or party animal, and the Fringe caters to every preference you could possibly have.

The Pot Painting, Vases & Florals and Kokedama Workshops offered by Paintelaide are a prime example of a Fringe show that allows you to choose your own adventure and set your own pace.

Located at the bright and friendly Paintelaide Studio at 120 Prospect Road, the workshops are easy to get to and superbly located. If parking in the city is one of your least favourite parts of Fringe-life, then you’ll be thrilled to know that it’s a far easier endeavour to find somewhere to park without the traffic jams and hair-tearing. As an added bonus, Prospect Road itself offers up all kinds of additional treasures to explore before or after your workshop, so I highly recommend making sure you leave yourself time to grab a bite to eat from one of the many local eateries nearby.

Paintelaide workshops range from the traditional ‘paint and sip’ style events that have become popular over the last few years, wherein you replicate a particular kind of painting under the guide of an instructor, to some new offerings like painting your own pot for a plant, painting a vase or planting out a Kokedama Ball. I chose the pot painting option this time around, and it turned out to be more of a free-style event than sessions I’d been to in the past.

Over the course of a couple of hours, you’re given all the supplies necessary to paint a provided pot with any design of your choosing. Drinks and nibbles are BYO, so feel free to go nuts with the charcuterie boards. Paintelaide will also provide you with the wine glasses needed for any libations you choose to bring along.

The vibe is relaxed and comfortable, and the painting itself is an excellent way to slow down and chill out. You’re given free reign over what to paint, though they do provide some examples as inspiration. My one criticism would have to be that I’d have preferred a greater range of examples and ideas, as well as a bit more guidance during the painting process, but that’s going to be a personal preference. This workshop will suit those of you who hate the confines of being told what theme or concept to stick to. For me personally, I’m not much of an artist so a little more direction tends to help me be happier with the final product. Nevertheless, even with my lack of painting skills, it’s still a great time. It’s the kind of event where you can really tailor it to your own desires. Want something a bit more fast-paced? Choose a later session and bring a group of friends. After something slower? Make it a date night or treat yourself to a solo session before a leisurely lunch.

As with all things creative, the only limit is your imagination. Paintelaide gives you the canvas, both literally and metaphorically, to customise your experience and have the best possible time. For that reason, it’s a must-attend.

**** Four stars