Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by KheShan Gronow | 19 February 2023
"Neurodivergence - if you've got it, flaunt it" - Lee, Tutti Choir MC Some people say Sunday is the end of the week, some say that it is the start of a new week. Either way, I can't think of a better way to start or end a week than with the Tutti Choir's Big Fringe Singalong. If you haven't heard of Tutti Choir, it is part of Tutti Arts which runs arts programs for people with disabilities. Their singalong puts their choir in the spotlight and everyone in and off the stage in The Fantail in Gluttony absolutely loved every minute. Singing and dancing are encouraged, with the songs chosen with obvious care to get toes tapping and put a smile on everyone's faces. The show was MC'ed by Lee who looked fabulous in red tails and kept us all laughing with her jokes and wit. The smiles of those in the choir were absolutely infectious and we were treated to solos by some of the more enthusiastic members of the choir. We bopped and sang along to tunes such as "Born This Way", "The Greatest Show", "Love Shack" and plenty more. Words up on the big screen made sure we all knew what came next and also made us all realise how wrong we had been singing the lyrics up til now - oops! It was wonderful to spend a night celebrating our differences, showing how much people with disabilities can achieve and feeling just how much love was in the room. I can't wait for the next one!