Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Clayton Werner | 18 February 2023

Main Theatre at Krystoff at the Goodwood Theatre, Sat 18 Feb, 2023.

As if performance appraisals weren’t stressful enough already (I’m now going to have nightmares about my next one!). This two-hander is replete with business and personal politics, mistrust, misconstrued messages, back-stabbing, power-play and one-upmanship aplenty.

Appraisal is well written, not a weasel word wasted in the dialogue which is delivered with some aplomb as tensions escalate and characters both defend and attack with wit that well deserves the adjective razor-sharp! A steady stream of not quite so veiled threats right till the end, at which point we’re bought back to the beginning, but with a twist!

Staging is simple; a desk, a couple of chairs, a business manual and a well stashed bottle of scotch and glass for the very brief moment of respite, just before the knife is twisted. (It also features a mobile phone, but I’m not giving that game away!) Lighting and costume are also kept simple, functional and fitting the occasion, a boss presenting slightly more formally than one of his underling managers.

Appraisal first played to sell-out audiences at the Edinburgh Fringe and was written by Tim Marriott – who has a reputation for both theatre and TV script-writing, though one of the actors is our very own Emily-Jo Davidson. This is Appraisal’s Australian Premiere and I can only hope that none of my current, nor future managers come along to see this as I couldn’t cope with anything like it for a performance appraisal. It’s quite surprising to me that there is no blood spilled, nor are there casualties by the end of this show. Performance Appraisal as a blood sport – well almost!