Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Doug Phillips | 19 February 2023
The Delinquents looks like a sexy show, and it is. Beautiful women (and one sexy saxophonist) performing aerial acrobatics, stirring vocals, titillating choreography, and cheeky humour. Make no mistake though, this show is not just a flesh-fest for the perves. This is a well-constructed show with plenty of talent and jaw dropping moments. Creative Director, Fiona Smith, has assembled a skilled cast of performers who are great at what they do. There’s action, impressive skill, beautiful movement, sensual movement, and music. Billed as a peek behind the curtain, The Delinquents offers us an insight into what goes on behind the scenes at a prohibition-era cabaret club. We see the interactions between performers backstage, the character dynamics, and we’re also treated to the performances the paying public come for too. There’s not a great deal of story or plot, but that would be unnecessary anyway. The audience is kept enthralled by the on stage performances that include high-ropes work, fire dancing, singing, and more. There are no boring moments, or boring performers. Just 55 minutes of talent, intriguing performances, and a bloody good time. The Delinquents is not a kids show, as is evident by the 11:20pm time slot. But it’s not porn either. Yes it’s sexy, but it’s tasteful and captivating too. This show nails so many of the foundations of cabaret, and the brief glimpse we get of the “other side” of club performance makes it a must-see show for any cabaret lovers. Playing at Ukiyo in Gluttony until Saturday 4th of March, The Delinquents is a great show to finish your Fringe-night-out night with.