Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Georgina Smerd | 17 March 2022
The Cocoon is an intimate exploration into the soul-consuming relationships we have with others and the love, hate, lust, frustration, loneliness, rejection and emotional intoxication that comes along with them. Written by New York’s Kotryna Gesait and directed by Brisbane-based Timothy Wynn, The Cocoon is made up of short vignettes, filled with powerful monologues and duologues from passionate actors who throw themselves into these vulnerable moments. Relationships are analysed, from those who are full of vitriolic passion and fire, to those that only reach peaks of mediocrity in exchange for a safe and comfortable life. The show presents varying aspects of our relationships with others and the triggers they have in our lives, from the intoxicating excitement of first romantic and sexual connections, to the piercing pain that comes with the realisation that some love just doesn’t work. It highlights love that continues to gradually grow in strength over many years and many changes, alongside a love that develops over mere hours of interaction. In others, it’s the identification of loss of self within a relationship that causes an uncomfortable resentment, or the stinging annoyance and tinge of jealousy when a love interest brings up their ex-partners. The Cocoon also addresses the influences we have in life regarding our relationships with others, from the myths of a one, perfect, magical love that Disney exposes us to from a young age, to porn’s controversial influence on connection, and the poor standard of sexual education in schools. All of the actors give themselves completely to their on-stage scenes, and this work wouldn’t be successful without this enthusiasm and love of performance. Through a visually descriptive and detailed script, apt utilisation of the stage space and talented actors who passionately embody their love-struck characters, blank canvases are created upon which the audience can easily paint their own internal picture of the scenes unfolding before them. The actors solidify their spot within the intimate space of Peter Rabbit café on Hindley Street. They utilise the entire space between them and the audience – swinging around metal support beams, re-enacting scenes in cars on the built-in leather seats, soaking into the floor in a puddle of self-loathing and sadness. Their purposeful sense of belonging in the space, whilst delving deeply into vulnerable emotional places and addressing moments of negative feelings, allows the audience to feel comfortable while emotionally fracturing and undesirable memories pushed aside for years may be dredged up throughout the performance. A dramatic and thought-provoking show, The Cocoon provides a rollercoaster of emotions for its audience as it entwines itself within the many blissful and also heart-breaking journeys we take when connecting with others in the world.