Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Ben Stefanoff | 16 March 2022
South Australia is home to many wonderful things; we have award-winning restaurants and wineries, fine actors and some of the best musicians the world has seen. The latter is certainly the case with Adelaide Hills sisters, Georgia, Ella and Clara Germein. Each as individuals are brilliant musicians, but when combined as ‘Germein’ they create their own unique stamp on the indie pop world. Having toured internationally with Phil Collins and Little Mix in recent times, their 2022 Adelaide Fringe appearance was certainly welcomed by their local home-town support base. Performing a 60-minute set of their own pieces with a few covers thrown in, Germein soon had the audience bopping and clapping along to their music. Georgia (guitar, piano and lead vocals), Ella (bass, cello and backing vocals) and Clara (drums, cajon and backing vocals) ooze joy and energy when they perform. All of their songs are well written, not only in their musical structure (this musician did nerd out at their harmonies, chordal shifts in some pieces and overall song structure) but also their lyrics. So many of their songs speak of standing firm and not going with the flow of society, but making your own choices. It is so pleasing to see bands such as Germein continue to write and perform music that is accessible to all ages and with strong messages. Their newest single, 21, is a perfect example of the depth of their lyric and music writing. Written during the pandemic when they had time to reflect on the past eight years of constant touring, 21 is a reflection not only on their lives, but ours. The message is strong: we are, right now, the youngest version of ourselves, and we need to be making the right choices now to pave our future. Something that radiates through Germein’s performance is their bond and combined love of music. There is that extra element that shines through that only siblings can bring, with their banter and obvious close bond. However, each of their personalities and individualism also comes through in bucket-loads. It is so pleasing to see such a strong, united band of sisters leaving their own unique mark on the music industry while still being true to themselves as individuals. If you have never seen Germein perform before, or listened to their music, I urge you to look them up and support this great SA band. Germein have one final performance as part of this year’s Adelaide Fringe at Hats Outdoor Garden at HAT’s Courthouse Cultural Centre Auburn this Saturday 19 March from 7.30pm. Tickets for this performance can be purchased through FringeTix or at .