Reviewed by: The Advertiser, AdelaideNow
Review by Craig Cook | 16 March 2022
A regular and popular Fringe performer, Hew Parham’s latest solo show is a whimsical, eclectic and fiercely self-deprecating insight into what maketh the clown. The not so trivial pursuit turns out to be a journey of self-discovery. The show features large chunks of Parham’s life: battling dyslexia as a kid, going to clown school in Canada, fleetingly finding love, before learning life skills on an Indian reservation in California with a grumpy, old, wise-owl Shaman. Maybe he just made it all up – but there is a sense this is as much therapy as entertainment. In the game Trivial Pursuit, entertainment, the off pink-coloured category, was always the trickiest subject to answer with a mix of bizarre, surprising, hilarious and sometimes underwhelming questions: this show echoes all of that. It’s a hotchpotch of ideas and thoughts but Parham is such likeable and intriguing company you always know – even in the dull bits – something wonderful is just around the corner.