Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Fran Edwards | 14 March 2022
This show is advertised as a comedy cabaret but is much more. Accompanied by the wonderful Michael Griffiths, Steven Oliver sings and dances his way through an hour of rap and storytelling. He talks of being a minority within a minority and of the prejudice he has faced because of who he is. This is a plea for understanding, his song Get Me asks that we try to be involved with reciprocal understanding: that we give and get love. In one part Oliver discusses the difficulty of coming out to his family, fearing rejection, finally telling his mother by letter and his relief that she affirmed her love. He talks of the hurt of being on the receiving end of slurs and abuse, reminding us that words don’t break bones but they do break hearts. He spends some time pointing out that he does not fit our preconceived ideas of aboriginal males, proud of his heritage and his mob. Throughout all of this there are threads of laughter: his comedy background shows up but we can see he is much more; an actor, with good credits, a writer with no little success, a dancer who can tap and a singer who composes his own songs. His final song Powerful reminds us all that love and the vulnerability it brings makes us powerful. Steven Oliver is as he says “Faboriginal”.