Reviewed by: Weekend Notes
Review by Fatema Sitabkhan | 14 March 2022

Starting off with one of the most dramatic murders ever witnessed in a show - and delivered in a classic film noir style that might as well have had a sepia filter through it - this delicious dish of circus, comedy, and chaos will have you on the edge of your seats, as three very quirky detectives and a saw-playing puppeteer set on a quest to solve a murder mystery.

Fedora hats, trench coats, and cigarettes are aplenty, as the characters of the show follow an old-school style of private investigating with a slightly corny yet entertaining plot line. This eclectic production by Dummies Corp brings together a loveable and witty set of characters with personalities larger than life itself, who are complemented with an engaging soundtrack that perfectly synchronises with the movements and actions of the acrobatics in action. Starring Amy Nightingale-Olsen, Thomas McDonald, and Leigh Rhodes, The Détectives in Cirque Noir is a silly but wholesome form of adult theatre that is perfect for those looking to unwind and switch off from being surrounded by pandemic woes - even if it is for just 70 glorious minutes. With sharp slapstick comedy peppered throughout the show, along with cheeky burlesque, dexterous puppetry, brilliant miming, mind-bending saw playing, and dangerously divine acrobatic skills to drop those jaws to the floor, 'comfort zone' and 'personal space' quickly become ancient terms, as each character pushes the boundaries in a playful and consenting manner to put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out who is responsible for the murder.

While it initially took a moment to gain momentum with the pace of the show, this did not in any way dampen the spotlight on the bursting quality talent, overflowing potential, and insane circus acts (such as cyr wheeling, juggling, handstands, rope climbing, and aerial sequences to name a few) demonstrated on stage. This is a clever and riveting vaudeville-inspired show that is simultaneously lighthearted in humour and incredibly impressive in skill execution. It would be a crime not to see this show this year.