Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 14 March 2022

As if being a comedian isn’t a hard enough job, how about trying to do a stand-up show at 4 pm? Well, Dan Muggleton took this difficult challenge on himself and seedoeatreview, being a fan of his comedy stylings, was there to bear witness to a show that actually turned out to be quite hilarious, even though the crowd didn’t bring the energy you’d usually get from a night time performance.


In the bright daylight hours at Gluttony, Dan walked out of his shipping container stage to the outdoor venue known as The Piglet. For a venue that seats about 100 people, there were only about 20 or so comedy lovers in the crowd (it was 4 pm after all). Sipping on an iced coffee instead of the usual Coopers beer that he enjoys, you could just tell that this show was going to be different. And seeing as nobody was sitting in the front row, Dan kicked over the chairs and decided to perform his stand-up from the second row. Starting off, chatting to the crowd in his usual friendly, yet savage manner, he teed off on the four Englishman hiding from the sun under the shade of a tree. Much like vampires, just a touch of sunlight would fry them to a crisp. A guy in a bucket hat was his next comedic victim, while poor Jordan (a very well-built young man) was on the receiving end of some funny quips as Dan could not seem to get over how good-looking this man was. From there it was onto the main point of Muggleton’s show, making white people extremely uncomfortable. Now usually, with a full crowd, you’d get some spurts of laughter but when discussing China’s inhumane treatment of Wega Muslims, with this crowd it was met with deft silence. Most comedians would freeze at this apparent lack of laughs, but this is what Dan thrives on. Finding serious issues, putting a comedic spin on them, and seeing who in the crowd will laugh. It’s the type of humour that I love, seeing some people in fits of laughter while others squirm uncomfortably in their seats. It was a great show with some genuine great laughs, but I think it would play better with the bigger 9.30 pm crowd than the smaller 4 pm group.

Dan even acknowledged the small crowd by mentioning that he was going to buy us all an Aperol Spritz to drink while watching his relaxed style of comedy. Unfortunately, they don’t sell Aperol Spritz at Gluttony, so we all missed out. That may have cost Dan half a star in this review because, although I don’t do cash-for-comments, I will do spritz-for-stars!