Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Ben Stefanoff | 13 March 2022
Many of us, at some stage of our lives, have reached for a dream, only to have it taken and shattered before us. The Girl Who Jumped Off The Hollywood Sign is the story of Evie Edwards who, while clutching to the Hollywood sign, tells her life story, from a young girl to getting work in Hollywood, all while aspiring to be a star. Filmed in front of a live audience in August 2021 from Bakehouse Theatres, the producers Hartstone-Kitney Productions have a string of ‘on demand’ shows on offer at this year’s Fringe, made possible through several government grants. It’s a great initiative from Black Box Theatres, especially in our current climate where there is still a lot of uncertainty, and many people feel safer watching theatre from the comfort of their own homes to avoid the crowds. Although the story is set in the golden age of Hollywood, the messages throughout this show are still as strong and meaningful today. Body image, mental health, loss of a loved one, being forced to do something that is against our better judgement…these topics are interwoven through the well-written script. Joanne Hartstone, who plays Evie Edwards, takes us on a 70-minute rollercoaster ride of emotions. The show is mostly a continuous monologue of Evie’s life in Hollywood, interspersed with song. Hartstone’s accent throughout the performance was faultless, capturing the nuance and inflections of the LA accent perfectly. Even though Hartstone was the sole performer, she also shifted in and out of portrayals of different people in Evie’s life through voice shifts and body language. These shifts in her persona gave extra dimension to the production. Hartsone’s accent was also seamless between her monologues and songs. She slips in and out of song in a very effective way and they never once halted the flow of the narrative. Her voice channeled the tonal qualities of the late, great Judy Garland and Hartstone’s voice suits this era of song perfectly. It is warming and has great depth. A lot of care and careful planning went into the filming of The Girl Who Jumped Off The Hollywood Sign. The use of multiple stationary cameras allowed us, the at-home viewer, to be pulled right into the story. The manner of filming captures the golden era of film in Hollywood in addition to great use of lighting. The lighting was simple and unobtrusive. The Girl Who Jumped Off The Hollywood Sign is a fantastic offering from Hartstone-Kitney Productions that transfers from the stage to film beautifully. It is very clear to see why this show has won countless awards right around the world. The Girl Who Jumped Off The Hollywood Sign is available for at home streaming until Sunday 20 March. Tickets through FringeTix or at .