Reviewed by: Kids in Adelaide
Review by Tim Cooper | 13 March 2022

This is absolute top shelf kids entertainment (to be fair, the adults loved every minute as well), with the fast paced, incredibly action packed 'extravaganza of exciting escapades' by Professors Lexi Con and Noel Edge (I hope Lexi enjoys our nod to her fabulously entertaining alphabet themed intros to each experiment!).

Run through the alphabet, with a different experiement every 2 minutes linked to each letter, with some very explosive and dynamic experiments keeping the audience (a packed one we might add) on the edge of their seats for a solid hour of fun. We took along an 18 month old through to a couple of teens, and everyone loved it! The presenters were even aware to give a little warning before any big bangs, so you could cover little ears.....which we loved! Lock this one in for a return visit next year.