Reviewed by: Stage Whispers
Review by Barry Hill | 13 March 2022

Venus in Fur is a gutsy, psychological thriller with just a touch of kink! Set on a bare stage relieved by a table and chairs, what seems to be a seemingly innocent late audition rapidly escalates and we are left with some questions to puzzle over; who is Vanda? How does she know the play off-by-heart and who is really the director and the auditionee?

Will King and Bridget Gao-Hollitt take the text and make it their own. Boundaries are merged between director and auditionee and the roles they are workshopping/auditioning. 

King and Gao-Hollitt are masters of the text and there is a real sense of chemistry between the two. there are many moments when pausation signals a switch in dominance and the sexual tension created is palpable.

Their use of pace and timing to drive the play is masterful as they play on the stage and around the audience, immersing us in the action. The direction is deceptively simple but ultimately effective.

Venus in Fur will have you questioning your values and possibly haunt your dreams! A magnificent piece of theatre!