Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by Jacki BIshop | 12 March 2022
The South Australian Children's Ballet Company has done it again! 'Cinderella - The Untold Story' is a fabulous performance that any budding dancers, lovers of princesses or fairytales will enjoy. It's Cinderella, but not as you know it! The story include fairytale characters such as Little Red Riding Hood, Little Bo Peep, Puss In Boots, The Three Pigs and plenty more who merrily dance at the Ball to try and win the attention of the Prince. Pay close attention to the Ugly Stepsisters - their attitude and comic timing steals the show! A few cleverly inserted lines from the Narrator had the adults laughing too - who knew that Cinderella is a Kath and Kim fan?! The dancing is of a high standard and even if you little one isn't into classical ballet, you should definitely still take them - lots of dance styles feature throughout to really show off the talents of these young dancers and allow them to completely get into character. The simple set means your focus is really on the dancing and acting, but pay special attention to the exquisite handmade clock that serves as the centrepiece of the backdrop. Make sure you take your dance loving kid to this performance or any that SACBC put on - they are always a fabulous show of talent and professionalism. We were so happy to see Cinderella get her happy ending - but was it with the Prince?