Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 12 March 2022

As someone who has watched Ross Noble over his many, many years of doing stand-up you really need to be prepared for a roller coaster ride to watch his brand of comedy. Starting stories and disappearing on twenty-minute tangents can often come across as frustrating if you’re not prepared for it, but that’s just his style. And his style, I might add, is unlike any other. Manic, fast-paced and almost appearing directionless, it’s amazing how, by the end of his performance, it always seems to come back around to the joke he started the show with.

Ross Noble: On the Go is a show unlike any other Fringe show that I’ve seen before, in that it had an Auslan interpreter using sign language to translate Ross’ jokes to a group of deaf comedy lovers. Absolutely fascinating and inclusive, it took a lot of the audience’s attention at the beginning of the performance, as well as Noble’s, who spent an awfully long time trying to get the interpreter to break down a lot of his words and actions. Thankfully this wasn’t the whole show, as he went on his usual, hilariously absurd tangents before finding his way back to his original story which found him masked-up on an airplane. I would love to tell you what this show was about but, in true Ross Noble fashion, it went absolutely everywhere. From a front-row audience member who claimed to have edited the latest James Bond film (which absolutely blew Noble’s mind), to Ross’ very bad decision to use Russian dolls as a backdrop for this year’s show, nothing was out of bounds in On the Go. This is a man who packs so much energy into his performances that I’m sure he must be drained by the end of a joke-filled 60 minutes. Another great performance from a man who doesn’t seem to have any bad shows!