Reviewed by: Your Local Hok
Review by Michelle Hok | 12 March 2022

Imagine a world where you were allergic to the thing you loved most? Well, that is the reality for a girl who is insanely obsessed with plastic.

PLASTICA FANASTICA is a solo comedy show by Jennifer Anne from Art for Earthlings. The show follows the story of a girl named Nunny who discovers that she is allergic to plastic.  

Growing up with her dream of becoming a Tupperware queen, Nunny expresses her love for all things plastic, from straws, to containers, and her beloved plastic bag. Her PowerPoint presentation on unhappy animals without plastic in their lives is satirical genius.  

Audience participation is used sparsely throughout the show. Nunny gives a couple of audience members some plastic items to hold up and wave on cue as she performs some overly dramatic choreography to ‘You’re Beautiful’ by James Blunt.  

There is also a moment where two audience members portray a human and a dog wanting to use a plastic straw, however dogs do not actually talk, which makes for a hilarious element of the show.  

When Nunny discovers that she is allergic to plastic, she is utterly devastated. Not knowing how to navigate life without a plastic bag or straw, Nunny starts to lose her mind (and the seams in her skirt). 

My favourite skit of the show was the moment where Nunny attempts to drink water from a glass without a plastic straw. She resorts to using tongs and lapping the water in her mouth using her hands and tongue (like a dog would) and proceeds to splash it all over the stage!  

Unfortunately, during her acceptance phase of being allergic to plastic, Nunny accidentally picks up her plastic phone as it rings, and her body starts to uncontrollably spasm. In a manner, this is also her awakening to embark on the start of her reusables journey.  

Nunny emerges from the depths of a life-long plastic obsession to see the light at the end of the tunnel, beginning to praise the use of reusable bags and metal straws. Fully embodying the life of reusables, Nunny cloaks herself with a cape and crown made of Woolworths reusable bags to claim the title of the ‘chosen one’. 

Nunny’s bizarre, strange, and at times obscene movements and gestures are insanely hilarious throughout the entirely of Anne’s performance. You will find it hard not to continuously laugh throughout the show.  

PLASTICA FANTASTICA is a well-produced comedy show which manages to also convey the message of reducing our use of single-use plastics and increasing the use of reusable and more sustainable items.  

Rating: ★★★★1/2