Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 11 March 2022
Last year I watched Jimeoin perform at the Adelaide Fringe Festival where he arrived straight out of a Melbourne lockdown. With messy hair, a scraggly beard and a notebook, he still managed to get great laughs and a four and a half star review from seedoeatreview. My final line in that 2021 review went something like “If Jimeoin is this funny without preparation, imagine how great the show will be when he is prepared!” My statement was answered last Thursday night, as a clean-shaven, trim, and well-rehearsed Jimeoin brought the house down - well, actually, brought the tent down - with a vintage display of stand-up comedy that was full of laughs, happy tears and ridiculous Jimeoin humour! Well known for his cheeky grin and hilarious observations, Jimeoin danced his way onto the stage before setting into his well-known schtick. It was a complete turnaround from last year’s appearance when he sauntered onto the stage and apologised for being underprepared. This 2022 version was full of life and happy to be delivering the laughs. And yes, some of the material he used was from last year, but this was a completely polished version of the show (rather than untested jokes written in a notebook). Discussing his married life, wondering how Mick Jagger learned to dance, and telling how he taught history to his children, all these subjects hit big with the adoring crowd. But it was his ad-lib humour that really left us in tears of laughter. From someone in the audience continually dropping their phone to the outside police sirens in the distance, Jimeoin pounced on and seemed to succeed in everything he did this night. And being one of his first shows at this year’s Adelaide Fringe he did finish his act 15 minutes early. But out came his trusty guitar where, once again, Jimeoin brought the laughs with some absolutely hilarious songs that sometimes left us struggling to breathe. What a fantastic performer, what a wonderful comedian!