Reviewed by: The University of Adelaide
Review by Joel Slattery | 11 March 2022

Many readers, particularly those readers who are members of my University community, may find it easy to point at many political and social problems of the modern first world and say, “this is some really bad s***!” Stand-up comedians are, I imagine, some of the first people to look at the modern world and come to this conclusion. Pat McCaffrie, a Melbourne-based comedian, evidentially subscribes to the notion that the modern world is stuck in a loop of problem after problem after problem and no solutions. 24-Hour Political Party People is an interesting comedy routine for looking at the situation with a degree of contempt for the people who cause it, but unfortunately lacks in enough original ideas to make first-world political issues entertaining enough in a comedy show.

24-Hour Political Party People is a funny show. But only insomuch as the current political crises of Australian politics are funny on their own. It’s easy to laugh at Scott Morrison’s weird and morally questionable decisions and sayings. It’s not really easy to include those in a stand-up routine if the comedian themselves gives little elaboration other than that it was said. This is unfortunately where 24-Hour Political Party People failed to hit the mark for me. The ranting was too long without any inkling of a conclusion or unique punchline.

McCaffrie knows that he doesn’t have any solutions to present. He admits this at the end of his routine. That’s fine, but it’s a problem. I was unsure of what I was supposed to laugh at because he doesn’t really say anything different from what other politicians say and other comedians have pointed out. It’s more or less ad nauseum ranting about funny things that politicians and their associates get up to.

Is it good? I would say that it’s not bad. I find it easy to laugh at what politicians say. For that, it’s not a complete flop. However, I can’t really justify paying to see this routine because of the reasons detailed above. If you enjoy just having a laugh at some questionable politician’s antics, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this show. I personally would have liked to have seen and heard more originality.

3/5 stars.