Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 10 March 2022

 Seeing stand-ups like Arj Barker, Stephen K. Amos and Ross Noble is great and all, but what about finding some new comedic talent? Well, after last night’s stand-up performance, I think I may have found the answer. Bringing fresh voices, distinctive mannerisms, and new comedic angles to the stage, comes No Man’s Land,  show that contains five comedians who all made the Raw Melbourne Comedy Final, and who all just happen to be five very hilarious women with their own unique takes on the world.


Savage Soph – I always have to give credit to the performer who takes the first spot on the opening night of a stand-up show. Their job is to set the tone of the show, warm up the crowd and get them laughing straight after a workday. Thankfully, that comedian was Savage Soph. Her chats about Japanese mosquitos and her Australian-Arab background really got the crowd laughing, and I loved her old-school stand-up style. A great start to the show!


Sarah G – Blunt, to the point and very single, Sarah G took no prisoners as she used her sharp comedic tongue to cut-down boyfriends past, and those in the audience. Confident on stage and very funny to boot, Sarah gave new meaning to the term ‘Slam Poetry’, with her performance being heavy on the slam and ‘R’ rated in the poetry.


Vida Slayman – Finding her way right into my parental funny bone, Vida jokingly expressed what she thought of her children and how it ruined her love life. Mentioning what life was like when she was single to how it is now as a parent felt all too relatable, I’m glad my kiddos weren’t there to hear it!


Laura Rose – An animated cartoon character come to life, Laura’s facial expressions and laugh-out-loud actions were hilarious. This is a woman who looked really comfortable on stage, and it came out in her comedy - just don’t touch her grey hairs!


Courteney Lee – The perfect closer, Courteney had the crowd in tears of laughter as her musical comedy really hit a home run with the audience. Quirky, peculiar but with an amazing natural ability to make people laugh, she topped off the night with a lovely little diddy about… Wolf Creek?


In shows like these, there may be one or two comedians who you don’t resonate with or who don’t bring the laughs. Surprisingly, this wasn’t the case with No Man’s Land. Each stand-up brought something different to the table and they all left the crowd wanting more. One of the funniest shows I’ve seen at this year’s Fringe!