Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by Jacki Bishop | 09 March 2022
This just might be the most heartwarming show you'll see all year! If you have little kids aged anywhere from 2-6 years old, be sure to take them to this delightful show, presented by indelabilityarts. It is an immersive experience, with the narrator taking the time to chat with audience members prior to the show to explain that the show is Auslan interpreted, that everyone can make themselves comfortable on the stage on beanbags, cushions, rugs and even inflatable sea-creatures! Tents are set up on the side of the stage for anyone who wishes to take some time out or relax. Being on the stage with the performers feels just a little bit magical and makes it easy for the kids to join in with the games that Wilbur The Optical Whale loves to play such 'hide and seaweed' and 'foamball'. The story is one of friendship, celebrating differences, learning to say sorry and taking time to play. As Wilbur and best friend Cecil The Shark look back over their friendship and learn to stand up to the Starfish Meanie Gang together, you will find yourself smiling to yourself that there is still good in the world and that the crew at indelabilityarts have made it their mission to make sure everyone is included and accepted for who they are. Beautiful digital imagery surrounding the stage, along with silks and a vibrant blue ocean floor ties the show together in a sensory delight for adults and kids alike. After the show, the cast took time to meet the kids, show them the set and costumes and chat about their favourite parts of the show. This is a group of truly passionate and talented people who have created a very special experience.