Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by Jacki Bishop | 07 March 2022
This absolute powerhouse of a show is sheer perfection from start to finish. It's a brilliant fusion of circus, dance, burlesque and cabaret that will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Matador is the story of love, passion, desire and sex told by artists who can move their bodies in ways I didn't realise was possible. It challenges gender stereotypes, pushes boundaries and leaves you breathless from your place in the audience. The dance and circus elements of the show are simply perfect - not a beat was missed, not a hair was out of place. Expect to see hip hop, ballroom, latin, burlesque and pointe work. The cast take you on a journey with their acrobatics, circus tricks and aerial skills, but what really stood out was the connection between the performers. I absolutely believed that they were in love, that they were feeling passion, desire or even hatred for each other. The costumes, music and lighting are on point, complementing the skills of these exceptional performers in every way. It is a complete theatrical experience that you won't want to end.