Reviewed by: The Curious Writer
Review by Stephanie Babiak | 06 March 2022

Words by Stephanie Babiak

As kids, we’re thrown into new experiences so often that it just becomes part and parcel of every day – everything is new and shiny and interesting, and we take it all in stride. It seems that as we get older though, we start to settle into routines, find the things we’re good at and stay within those boundaries. Sometimes we forget the pure simple joy of trying something new without pressure or expectation. That’s always been one of the draw cards of the Adelaide Fringe – pick a show outside your comfort zone and voila! Instant new experience. Taking this one step further, the range of interactive shows and workshops on offer is a fantastic way to actually turn your hand to something entirely new, whether that be a skill or hobby or recipe. The Paint Party by Paint Mentality has to be one of the absolute best examples of these sessions, and one you should absolutely put at the top of your “to do” list for future Fringes.

The Paint Party is exactly what it sounds like – all materials and instructions are provided, and you spend your time painting your own personal masterpiece while sipping on amazing drinks, dancing to some party tunes and all around having a damn good time. Led by Caroline Wall, who has been running these workshops since 2015, there is truly no better way to spend an evening, whether it be with a group of mates or solo. Caroline is welcoming, hilarious and engaging – even if you (like me) failed Art class back in high school, she’ll boost your confidence and guide you down the path to creating something fun and unique. A quick glance around the room makes it clear that no matter your personal skill levels or style, you’ll be able to produce something worth hanging in your house (even, as Caroline says, if you maybe opt to put it on the back of the toilet door).

The actual painting side of things is incredibly enjoyable, even if you’re an absolute novice who might be embarrassed by your lack of hand-eye coordination. There’s something just genuinely soothing about slapping some paint on a canvas and having a go. Caroline gives you as much or as little advice, guidance and support as you need, giving some basic instruction to the group before working her way around to help you out individually. Her step by steps are clear enough to stop you feeling like you’re doomed to create a disaster, but also free enough that you never feel painted into the corner and limited in what you can do.

Outside of the paint, the nibbles are delicious, the drinks are divine, and Caroline has to be one of the best hosts you could ever ask for. She’s easy going, personable and genuine. It’s rare to find someone who has such an incredible talent for making people feel comfortable and welcome, but Caroline has that quality in spades and then some.

The Paint Party is an event truly not to be missed. It’s unique, relaxing and just downright fun. Never underestimate the power of the paint.