Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 06 March 2022

Lauren Thiel is a name that everyone in the Adelaide art scene seems to know, so much so that Seedoeatreview has affectionately dubbed her the ‘Face of Adelaide’. She’s an accountant, dance teacher, and daughter to a very loving father who, let’s just say, doesn’t know about all the extracurricular activities that she gets up to. And that is what Lauren’s debut show at the Adelaide Fringe is all about, hence the title, Don’t Tell Dad. With funny, sordid, and sometimes extremely raunchy tales to share… I’m guessing Lauren’s supportive brother who was in attendance that night was wishing he didn’t know about some of these stories either!

Lauren doesn’t claim to be a professional stand-up. She’s a woman who is just out at the Fringe giving it a go, and that is what I love about seeing new Fringe acts. To have the guts to share personal stories about your life to a bunch of strangers always deserves a round of applause, but in Lauren’s case, it was not just personal, but highly sexual at well. With her laminated cheat sheets at the ready Lauren regaled the well-spirited crowd with stories of boyfriends past, what her father would think of some of the things she got up to and how her current Tinder dating life is going. And, apart from the cheat sheets, you wouldn’t be able to tell that she’s a newbie on-stage. With loads of charisma, a sharp comedic tongue, and some killer punchlines Thiel has a commanding presence on the stage. Happily dancing and playing off the energy of the audience while occasionally staring out to the back of the room where her oftentimes cringing brother was standing. What a performer, what a great show, I can’t wait to see what the Face of Adelaide brings us next!