Reviewed by: Kids In Adelaide
Review by Jacki Bishop | 05 March 2022
Soggy is a fun show about friendship, perserverance, fun and of course, lots of water! This is proper grassroots circus - do they have the budget of the big shows? No. Is it the most robust narrative? Nah. Did the kids care? NOPE! From the moment Caeser entered from the back of the theatre, backlit and twirling scarves, the kids were mesmerised. Add in bubbles, glow in the dark fluoro hoops and a bit of toilet humour? WINNER! The brilliant thing about this show is the way the performers play to their strengths - from the giant hoop, lifts and balances, dancing and interacting with the audience, each cast member brought it with a passion for their craft that you will get from any of the other big shows. They pull out some of the simplest tricks in the book (such as the good old 'HE'S BEHIND YOU!') but you know what? THEY WORK and the kids loved it. An underlying message about friendship and confidence ties the show together and beware - you will probably get a bit wet! Go and see Soggy if you want your child to feel connected to the show and not just like another face in the crowd.