Reviewed by: Collage Adelaide
Review by Milly Farmer | 04 March 2022

When Garry Starr hits the stage with his curly hair, muscular frame, and lightning bolt nipples, it’s immediately apparent that you’re in for a raucous night with Greece Lightning. Having seen his show in 2019 I was already mentally prepped for an intense night of face-aching laughter.

In the following performance, Garry Starr attempts to encourage members of the audience to visit his Hellenic homeland and save Greek from ‘ergonomic procession’. How does he achieve this? By embodying mythical Greek gods and goddesses.

This silly romp brings the audience on stage to partake in the chaos that ensues. Props galore as they fly, smash and bash across the stage. No lollies or produce were safe as they were flung with abandon. Aside from the slapstick, ridiculous elements in Greece Lightning there were very clever ways that the stories of the gods were portrayed and strung together.

From Atlas to Zeus, each god was conveyed in unique, elaborate, and witty ways. Ranging from full front(and back)al nudity, costume changes, and goofy song parodies, you have no idea what is around the corner.

For those who don’t like audience participation, you’ll probably sweat through the entire show, but guaranteed you would be charmed by Garry Starr’s gleeful nature. That being said, the people in the audience of my performance all had a willingness to be a part of the fun, which made it so much more enjoyable.

The confidence of Garry Starr’s stage presence was so apparent that you wouldn’t know that it was the first run of his new show. Some parts of the show were newly added or adapted, but Greece Lightning didn’t need to be polished to be a hilarious performance.

Garry Starr’s magnitude of physical comedy is unreal, go see it!