Reviewed by: Kate from ABC Radio Adelaide
Review by Kate Bailey | 04 March 2022

I’m not a big believer in horoscopes, but something about the notion of a Saturn Return has always intrigued me. Many moons ago, it was an episode of the TV show The Secret Life of Us that got me deep thinking about it. Saturn is said to return to the same ecliptic longitude that it occupied at the time of a person’s birth – roughly 27-29 years later – and it’s a time when a person crosses over a major threshold and enters the next stage of life. I was smack bang in that period, doing everything I could to line up what SLOU referred to as ‘the trifecta’ – your home life, love life and work life. It was pure chaos but a time that also positively re-defined life as I knew it. 


Given the age I was at the time, I have often pondered its relevance to those in the 27 Club. That is, the club of wonderful artists who left this world way too soon. Unfortunately for them, the cosmic exit out of their current situation and into something more beautiful meant exiting life altogether. Hopefully they are at peace. Fortunately for us, their music lives on. It speaks to us now as loudly as it did then - especially when delivered with the power, passion and musical chops of Sarah McLeod, Kevin Mitchell, Carla Lippis, Libby O’Donovan, and Dusty Lee Stephensen.

Their Fringe show 27 Club is a triumph. More than just a tribute, it’s an ardent celebration of the too-short lives and wonderful musical offerings from some club members, including Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin. And wowsers, Janis would be beyond impressed to hear Sarah McLeod channel her ballsy rasp.

In short, go see this show. You will reflect in a multitude of ways and love it.

(A special mention must also go to the incredible backing band of Logan Watt, Jack Strempel, Cam Blokland and Milush Piochaud.)