Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Michael Coghlan | 03 March 2022
Main Stage at Bakehouse Theatre, Wed 3 Mar. Leaving town to explore options further afield has long been a feature of cities like Adelaide, or any place that tends to live in the shadow of larger sexier locations. For Adelaide that is often Melbourne, but it could be London. Or New York. Any faraway place where you can realise your dreams. We’re told that 30% of Adelaide people under the age of 35 leave it to expand their horizons elsewhere. In Home Thoughts Clara moves to Melbourne to further her career as a painter while her sister stays home. When Clara returns things between the sisters are awkward. Things are not the same. It turns out they really missed each other and had constructed a mental picture of how they thought the other was living that was far from accurate. The power and appeal of this play is how the two sisters unravel these uncomfortable feelings between them and the misconceptions they have about each other’s lives. Both give strong performances and exhibit authentic, genuine compassion for each other. It really is quite touching. Like watching movies that feature landmarks you recognise it’s great to hear places you know referred to in the dialogue. The sisters visit a café in Bowden and Sarah lives in Hindmarsh so this adds an extra level of context for Adelaide residents. But the universal truth that wherever you go you take your problems with you is what is at play here in this intriguing new work, no matter where you call home