Sunday night and there was a long line of punters waiting to see this year’s version of Rouge. I saw this show last year and was very happy to see it again. It seemed just as fresh and breathtaking as last year. This could be due to there being only one member of the six-person troupe remaining from last year. Regardless this was a highly professional and enjoyable show with both comic elements and plenty of cheek!
The MC started the show by reminding us how to be an audience as it has been such a long time since anyone has seen a show. She advised us to make some noise if we were enjoying it and make some noise if we fancied any of the performers. This show is Adults Only and does contain some risqué elements, so don’t bring the kids.
There was a lot of aerial acrobatics in this show which showed off the guys and girls’ extremely fit and strong bodies. There is a lot of throwing and catching each other and this involves a lot of trust between the performers and I daresay heaps of practice prior to the show.
Throughout the performance, there were stunts with fire, stacked chairs, rings, and ropes high in the air. The acrobatic feats were performed without a net or padding and at times the audience shrieked with both concern and delight.
Adelaide’s own Michaela Burger was one of the performers and she sang with the acts, sang by herself, and unlike last year’s singer she even performed with the other two girls in an edgy and steamy fire performance. I have seen Michaela several times over the years and it is always a joy to see and hear her perform. Tonight, she enthralled the audience with her incredible voice.
The show went at a cracking pace and before too long it ended and the performers were taking their bows to rapturous applause from a packed audience at the Peacock tent in Gluttony. The audience was sitting in a checkerboard layout but let’s hope that some more Covid laws are relaxed so that more people can see this wonderful show which runs for the whole Adelaide Fringe.