Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Ben Stefanoff | 02 March 2022
The creative mind that brought you This Show Is Not Rubbish and The Alphabet Of Awesome Science is back again with a brand new science-packed show, You Are A Doughnut. Oesoph A. Gus (David Lampard) and Dewey Dean (PJ Oaten) take us through a lesson on the human digestive system in the most fun, action-packed way you could possibly imagine. Musical numbers, sketches, facts, dancing poo puppets and more fart jokes than you’d expect to fit in a 60-minute show – this show is a sure winner for the whole family. David Lampard and PJ Oaten present a well-crafted, well-researched and well-executed show. The content and information within the show is delivered at multiple levels – there is something in this show for the young and old. The show moves at a good pace, not too fast to lose people with the facts being delivered, but also not so slow as to lose the younger members of the audience. The magic of this show is hidden in its delivery. Unbeknown to the younger audience members, this high-energy show, when stripped back, is a biology lesson packed with fact after fact about how the human digestive system works. In fact, there are probably as many fart jokes in this show as there are scientific facts. My only slight criticism with the show is with a few of the musical numbers. As a musician, I tend to hyper-focus on anything musical in a show, and I found that the pace of some of the lyrics went by so fast, the words were lost and I did miss what was said. However, putting this aside, the musical numbers in the show are catchy and well-written. There needs to be more shows like You Are A Doughnut. If science was presented in this fun, entertaining and creative way, I probably would have paid more attention in school. Locally created theatre like this needs to be supported – I highly urge you to see You Are A Doughnut at this year’s Fringe……but whatever you do….don’t pull their fingers. You Are A Doughnut will be playing at The Flamingo in Gluttony until Sunday 20 March. Tickets through FringeTix or at .