Reviewed by: The Curious Writer
Review by Michelle Hok | 28 February 2022

Words by Your Local Hok. 

Kira Yang is just your average Asian girl, growing up in an Asian household with parents imposing their desired career path on her and enforcing no dates until she turns twenty.

But what happens when she decides to stray from her pre-determined life and begin to show interest in boys at a young age, lose her lady-like mannerisms, and embark on her musical theatre journey?

In the opening scenes of the show, you are introduced to Kira through her pianist, Paul Sinkinson and dynamic cast members, Sasha Simic, Sean Jackson, Darcy Mae, and Jemmah Rattley.

The cast of Not Your Average Asian Girl features a selection of the inaugural graduating class of the Bachelor of Music Theatre program offered by the University of Adelaide.

Although Kira is the protagonist of Not Your Average Asian Girl, each of the cast members hold their own and complement one another throughout the show. Given that this is the first Adelaide Fringe performance for many of the cast, the cohesiveness of the show is faultless.

Described as shy and average initially, the audience hears a glimpse of Kira’s upbringing. She hilariously exaggerates the lessons her mother taught her, by showing us how to sit, laugh without your teeth showing, and how to be quiet as an elegant lady.

The contrast between the upbringing of Asian and Western people is drawn several times throughout the show and it is evident that these are reflective of Kira’s lived experience.

Kira impersonates both Asian and Western stereotypes well whilst on stage and transitions smoothly between each one. At times however, it is noticeable that it does not feel as natural when Kira is impersonating a Western stereotype.

Kira gives the audience a showcase of her performance arts abilities by playing a complex piano piece whilst yawning as if it were effortless. She also performs a snippet of her traditional Chinese music singing talents as well.

On her pursuit to find a boy to fall in love with, Kira decides to attend boarding school. Unfortunately, she finds herself under a strict no dating school policy. This does little to stop her however, as she sneaks out after dark and serenades a boy with Love Story by Taylor Swift.

Having an interest in music but not wanting to study classical music, Kira discovers musical theatre and decides to tell the people in her life. I could not help but laugh uncontrollably when she announced her decision to study musical theatre, to which her parents and peers stare and gesture at her with utter disgust and dismay.

Regardless of what her parents and peers think, she decides to travel far away from them to study musical theatre. She is met however, with fierce performing standards and struggles to be her best amongst the culture shock of all the provocativeness and swearing demeanor of her cohort.

The cohort then performs a fantastic medley of musical theatre classics, including Chicago, Wicked, The Sound of Music, and Cabaret.

On a seemingly life-long quest to loosen up her good girl ways and rid her self-imposed bleep censor, Kira just needs a small lesson from her musical theatre colleagues in how to open up her thighs sensually and to say the F word.

Once Kira triumphs these cultural barriers, she rids herself of her traditional gown and re-emerges on to the stage in a glittery corset top and closes the show with the rest of the cast with a bang. Not Your Average Asian Girl is a witty and feel-good cabaret-comedy performance with an emerging and talented cast who will leave you full of laughs.

Rating: ★★★★1/2