Reviewed by: Kids in Adelaide
Review by Jacki Bishop | 27 February 2022
If anybody ever stopped you in the street and asked 'what should I take the kids to see at this years Fringe?' 360 Allstars can still confidently be the knee jerk reaction to come out of your mouth - the first place your mind goes. Selling out worldwide year after year proves this show continues to amp up the crowds and keep smiles on everyone’s faces, including ours. Tell me after you’ve seen it that you didn’t just walk out with extra swagger in your step, shoulders popping and locking as you high five your kids to greet the performers waiting who sign autographs and t shirts after the show. All star, world champion cast comprising of Freestyle MC, Percussion / Beats, Breakdancers, Flatland BMX, Basketballer & multi skilled acrobats cater for all tastes and disciplines. Don’t hesitate and hover on the Book Now page “Push the Button, Push the Red Button” Five Stars!