Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Kristin Stefanoff | 28 February 2022
While some On Demand shows are a stationary camera filming a previous stage performance, this one is different. F*cking Ancient has been filmed as a feature film, with the at-home audience in mind. Director Ngaire Dawn Fair has done a wonderful job of bringing Maggie’s story to the screen in a way that helps to show clearly the various characters presented in this story, aided by pictures and sound by Ben Prendergast. Maggie’s tale is one that is sadly all too familiar, especially for women. Maggie shares her struggles with aging, her complicated relationship with her body, and trying to find self love through hot yoga, online dating, herbal medicine, tummy tucks… the list goes on as she tries to squeeze herself into society’s incredibly narrow and unrealistic beauty standards. What particularly struck home was the way she spoke about the people around her, compared to the language she used on herself. She would see the beauty in others, describing clients or relatives as ‘so full of life,’ ‘having this real sparkle’, ‘has such a great laugh’. However, when referring to herself the descriptors were ‘I’m disgusting,’ ‘I’m so ugly,’ ‘I hate myself.’ The subtle way this language was woven throughout the script brilliantly demonstrated how so many of us think, not allowing ourselves the same kindnesses we offer others. Overall, the show was brilliantly scripted, cleverly weaving messages with humour. Maggie plays a full cast of the characters that have featured in her life, including herself, podiatry clients (Maggie is a practicing podiatrist in addition to being an exceptional actor), her mentor, the receptionist at the plastic surgery, among others. Her acting chops really come into play here, as she dynamically shows contrast between the characters, though keeping the simplicity of a one woman show. Treat yourself to a night in this Fringe and watch one of the best On Demand offerings you’ll find!